Throughout this week, I made a concerted effort to read various sources and draw upon the experiences of both my mentor and my teachers.
I recall using these two books for my son, and I believe it would be beneficial to recommend them to Hana’s parents. We understand the crucial role of parents and effective communication with them, especially in line with the principles of BC ELF: families have the most important role in contributing to children wellbeing and learning .
I recognize the significance of parental involvement, and we make efforts to communicate with Hana’s parents about her day. However, I feel the need to refocus on my role. What exactly is my responsibility, and how can I adapt the environment and strategies to better assist them?

February 20, 2024 at 4:39 pm
Yes! Parent involvement! Even with Hana spending most hours with us, family and parents are the most influential factor.
*BC ELF Curriculum great resource.